
Course Description

Team members equipped with the knowledge of how to communicate effectively and the confidence to use those skills, are critical to the success of your organisation. Our customers have unlimited choice on where to stay, dine, visit and play in Singapore, and outstanding service is key to creating memorable experiences that ensure repeat or word of mouth business.

This course will provide your team members with the tools for the job - service excellence, communication team dynamics and how to implement changes are all explored. Our trainers are Tourism & Hospitality professionals experienced in the industry and in delivering meaningful, enjoyable training.

  1. We include complimentary workshops for all students including: Interview Skills, Resume Writing Techniques, Career Counselling and Social Media Marketing tips
  2. SkillsFuture Credit, UTAP & PSEA may be available for eligible students


  • Learn from experienced tourism professionals, who are all experienced in the Tourism & Hospitality industry
  • Engage in in-depth discussions with other participants from a diverse range of industry backgrounds, and develop practical strategies for industry success
  • Experience the Angliss way of learning, where classes are brought to life through field trips, guest speakers and some fun along the way.
  • Become a William Angliss Alumni member with access to leading industry contacts and events

Class Date
Please email for more info:

Course fee per trainee (excluding GST)
$150 (before funding)

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