
Course Description

Our WSQ Diploma in Tourism (Events Management and Operations), offers an interesting, relevant learning journey for students interested in a successful career in Events Management. Setting you up for Supervisory or Management roles across a range of venues and companies, you'll uncover the unique skill set required for delivering exceptional events. This will include events in the new online world, through virtual events management.

Gain a broad broad understanding of Events Management and Operations from event strategy, budgeting, managing your event hires through to service excellence and online contingencies. This course will set you up with valuable strategic insights to carry forward into your career.

This course is suitable for Tourism, Hospitality, Foods and Events staff members, or those with service related experience wishing to join the Tourism Industry.

  1. We include complimentary workshops for all students including: Interview Skills, Resume Writing Techniques, Career Counselling and Social Media Marketing tips
  2. SkillsFuture Credit, UTAP & PSEA may be available for eligible students


  • Learn from experienced tourism professionals, who are all experienced in the Tourism & Hospitality industry
  • Engage in in-depth discussions with other participants from a diverse range of industry backgrounds, and develop practical strategies for industry success
  • Experience the Angliss way of learning, where classes are brought to life through field trips, guest speakers and some fun along the way.
  • Become a William Angliss Alumni member with access to leading industry contacts and events


Course Reference No


Course Intake

2022 Class Dates: 10 Nov, 08 Dec

Course Funding Period

14 May 2021 to 2 May 2023

Course Duration

Full Time – 7 months

Part Time – 7 months

Average Teacher - Student Ratio

1 teacher to a maximum of 20 students

Course Hours

The duration of the WSQ Diploma in Tourism (Events Management and Operations) is 200 hours

Training Duration – 172 hours
Assessment Duration – 28 hours






Instruction may include lectures, discussions, excursions, guest speakers, demonstrations, case-studies, practical exercises and activities.


Course Structure

The training hours listed above do not include assessment hours/ nominal face-to-face assessment hours for all units are approximately 2 hours, with additional assessment preparation required outside of class time.

Core Units

TOU-FIN-4001-1.1Manage Budgeting and Forecasting for Business Unit (28 hours)
TOU-PMN-4015-1.1Develop MICE & Event Content and Experience (32 hours)
TOU-RIM-4019-1.1Develop plans and procedures for effective crowd control (20 hours)
TOU-CEX-4023-1.1Develop Service Excellence Strategies (24 hours)
TOU-MOP-4001-1.1Develop Participants Management Procedures (20 hours)
TOU-SNM-4015-1.1Manage Event Planning and Implementation (24 hours)
TOU-BIN-4067-1.1Create Innovation Opportunities and Capabilities Within Organisation (24 hours)

Assessment and Course Completion


Competency-Based Assessment for this qualification may include Practical Performance, Role Plays, Oral Questioning, Workplace Observation, and Written Questions, Industry Research Projects and e-learning assessments or feedback from workplace supervisors.

Course Completion Criteria

Attendance for WSQ Courses

  • Students are required to maintain a class attendance of 75% and above.

Unit Competency

  • Achieve 'Competent' for all units


Upon successful completion of this WSQ course, trainees will receive a WSQ Diploma in Tourism (Events Management and Operations) certificate.

Entry Requirements and Eligibility

Entry Requirement

  • Minimum 21 years old and above.
  • Academic requirements – Admission is on the basis of academic merit where students have completed GCE N levels with at least 2 passes, including English and Mathematics
  • Industry experience – where possible, or in the absence of suitable academic requirements, students with a demonstrated attitude, skills and knowledge, developed through industry experience of 2 years may be suitable. Industries include Tourism, Hospitality, Food and Beverage, Catering Services.
  •  English language proficiency – students must have a good command of written and spoken English, GCN N Level pass in English or equivalent
  • Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Work Pass holders in Singapore are eligible to apply for the WSQ Diploma in Tourism (Events Management and Operations) course. 


SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy: Singapore Citizens aged ≥ 40 years old - up to 70% of course fees.
SkillsFuture Credit: Offset against nett course fee - applied for by student before start of course.
PSEA: Funds in Post-Secondary Education Accounts (PSEA) may be able to be used to pay for approved programmes. This funding will offset against the nett course fee at the commencement of the course.
UTAP: NTUC members may enjoy up to 50%** unfunded nett course fee support of up to $250 each year for courses supported under UTAP. Members aged 40 and above can enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per individual each year, capped at 50% of unfunded nett course fees, for courses attended between 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2022. This funding is applied for by the student once the course has finished. Nett course fees are due prior to the start of the course.
Workfare Skills Scheme (WSS): Self sponsored Trainees may receive $6.00 per training hour, capped at 180 hours if their gross income is not more than $2,300.00 per month. Trainees may apply for this funding themselves once course has been fully  completed. All nett course fees are payable before the commencement of the course. Other terms and conditions apply.

Other charges

  • Fee Protection Insurance: Payable on 1% of nett course fee before GST.
  • Subject to eligibility terms and conditions. Please contact Student Services for further information.
  • Funding is subject to SSG’s prevailing corporate policies and final approval.
  • This fee table represents a common funding scenario of 50% funding. Please note that individual students may have differing funding approvals i.e. 50-70%.

Gross course fee

$S 4800.00

Up to 50% SSG Grant

$S 2,400.00

Nett Course Fee (before GST)

$S 2,400.00

Nett Course Fee Payable (with 8% GST)

$S 2,592.00

Additional funding for Singaporeans aged ≥ 40 under Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy Training Support For SMEs

$S 960.00

Nett Course Fee Payable (with 8% GST) after Additional Funding for Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy Training Support for SMEs

$S 1,632.00

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